Welcome to JSOU Press
JSOU Press is the scholarly publishing arm of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). We are USSOCOM’s “go-to” publisher for research of interest to the special operations forces community. We pride ourselves on our unique ability to put knowledge into the hands of SOF professionals, and we aim to inform national policy & strategy with quality research. Since our inception in 2004, we have edited and published over 200 peer-reviewed scholarly monographs, edited volumes, reference manuals, journal articles, and papers by more than 200 authors at the cutting-edge of SOF research. The works included here are solely the ideas of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Special Operations Command or Joint Special Operations University.
SOF-Related Publications
Articles and other publications from outside of JSOU that are relevant to the SOF enterprise.
See General Bryan P. Fenton, Commander USSOCOM's
reading list.
Taiwan Resilience and Resistance Operating Concept