Special Operations Forces - Information Advantage and Intelligence Integration

Influence and Information Advantage SOF-IAII SOC 5672 Open Nomination Only ACCET Accredited Secret


SOF-IAII Pilot is the advanced-applied course for the JSOU Strategic Influence and Information Advantage (SIIA) Integrated Program of Study (IPOS) nested within the JSOU Learning Pathways in Action (LPIA) program. Designed primarily for personnel who are assigned to Special Operations Command Components and Theater Commands in operations and planning billets. It applies the application of theory, strategy and doctrine, of national Strategic Influence methods and Operational Information Capability planning gained in the basic course to gain information advantage and intelligence integration intelligence (IAII). Combining the theories and history of strategic influence, terms and applying the concepts of joint information advantage procedures will provide the learner with the skills required to integrate information and intelligence to create the influence effects to achieve mission success. The SOF-IAII pilot is available through a combination of virtual and in-person learning with JSOU. This pilot course requires the prerequisite basic course of the SOF-IOIE. The virtual portion of the course is two-week and the in-person course is 4 days long. There are four modules within the resident course that include; Information Advantage Intelligence Integration, Human Aspects of the Information Environment, IAII Disciplines, and a practicum. There are daily practical exercises and activities that facilitate the production of deliverable products required during the practicum that are due on Thursday during class. The student must obtain a passing assessment to complete the course. Completion of this advanced course is required to continue on to the elective courses in the SIIA IPOS.


Personnel selected to attend the advanced SOF-IAII should be assigned to USSOCOM, the TSOCs, or SOF Components or other US government activities against billets related in some way related to Strategic Influence and Information Advantage. Planners from the J2, J3 and J5 as well as members of the information forces of Public Affairs, Civil Affairs, OPSEC, Cyber, EW, JEMSO, Deception, Space and PSYOP are encouraged to attend. This includes contractor support personnel with permission. Although the large majority of students in SOF-IAII are affiliated with DoD, personnel in similar job positions in other federal agencies may also attend with course director approval. International students are not eligible to attend this pilot but will be included in the future. Units will fund attendance for this pilot.




All text and materials are provided by JSOU and will distributed thought the course pages on JSOU eCampus. Primary references are academic articles, research and current doctrine to include JP 3-0, JP 5-0, and JP 3-04 Information in Joint Operations.


JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.

There are no scheduled events for this course