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Joint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy
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Command Team
This course develops senior leaders’ understanding of the complexities of major joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational (JIIM) operations conducted by joint SOF to accomplish strategic objectives. Students will participate with senior executive service personnel from myriad of government agencies for theater-wide and operational-level combat leadership. This course is synchronous and conducted in-residence or by a combination of in-residence attendance and Secure Video Teleconference.
The Combined/Joint Force Special Operations Component Commander (C/JFSOCC) course is designed for senior warfighting professionals' continuing education. It is intended for general officers/flag officers (to include selects) with special operations experience, along with senior executive service level senior leaders from other government agencies and select international foreign military special operations senior leaders. This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D126062
There are no required texts or materials for this course. Students will receive select readings and other course materials 30 days prior to course start via email. During course execution, students will receive (Biographies, readings, presentations), references and resources in person or via email.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.
This nominative course provides unit command teams a common understanding of the USSOCOM Commander’s priorities, command philosophy, and the responsibilities of joint SOF leaders serving at the tactical formation level. This course consists of a core curriculum of 7 modules framed by the Command's three themes: (1) People – SOF culture and ethics and the First SOF Truth; (2) Win – mission command; operational risk management; authorities; SOF command and control in Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental and Multinational Environments; and communication; and (3) Transform – force management, requirements, and resourcing. Student participation and discussions are guided by senior executive-level subject matter experts.
Duration: This course is presented over 4.5 days.
Location: This course is a hybrid that requires students to complete some unclassified elements online in parallel with the classroom presentations.
Attendance is restricted to US military officers and enlisted that are officially designated to be the command team assigned to an O-5 or O-6 SOF formation within the USSOCOM Enterprise from one of the four Service Components: AFSOC, MARSOC, NSWC, and USASOC, and JSOC. Students must be nominated by their respective SOF Service component nominating office. Students are not allowed to self-nominate to JSOFPCC.
All materials are USSOCOM information and content provided to each individual participant during course execution. Information is managed IAW handling guidelines for the levels of classification.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
This course is an overview of selected aspects of command and execution of SOF Operations in a joint, inter-governmental, interagency, and multinational (JIIM) environment. It is an opportunity for teams to meet, exchange ideas, and work together prior to taking command.
Newly selected TSOC Commanders and their CSELs.
There are no required texts or materials for this course.
Enlisted Education
*Note: Students MUST provide BOTH a personal email address AND either their .gov or .mil email address in order to be registered for the course.
The course educates and prepares enlisted special operators for mid-level leadership roles in SOF. Using a transformative approach, students will enhance their skills in critical thinking, organizational leadership, and management. Students will analyze the implications of U.S. national strategy on the execution of USSOCOM operations and strategy.
E7 SOF operators and enablers. Effective Immediately the USSOCOM CCM in coordination with Component CSELs has deemed that all JSOU Enlisted Academy courses (CEPs 1-4) are now nominative. Each respective SOF Service Component MAJCOM CSEL is responsible for oversight of their Component nominations. Students must be nominated by an E-9 in their Chain of Responsibility. Nomination emails must be forwarded to JSOU Enlisted Academy Service Component Liaisons: USASOC: JSOU.EA.ARMY@socom.mil , WARCOM: JSOU.EA.NAVY@socom.mil , AFSOC: JSOU.EA.USAF@socom.mil , MARSOC: JSOU.EA.USMC@socom.mil , International: JSOU.INTNCO@socom.mil This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D400023
There are no required texts or materials for this course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.
*Note: Students MUST provide BOTH a personal email address AND either their .gov or .mil email address in order to be registered for the course.
This course educates enlisted students for entry-level leadership careers in SOF. Students, from a tactical and operational perspective, will develop skills in communications, creative thinking, and ethical decision-making. Students will also analyze the history, unique function, and organization of the USSOCOM from the headquarters down to the subcomponent commands.
This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D400022
E6 SOF operator and enablers. Effective Immediately the USSOCOM CCM in coordination with Component CSELs has deemed that all JSOU Enlisted Academy courses (CEPs 1-4) are now nominative. Each respective SOF Service Component MAJCOM CSEL is responsible for oversight of their Component nominations. Students must be nominated by an E-8 or E-9 in their Chain of Responsibility. Nomination emails must be forwarded to JSOU Enlisted Academy Service Component Liaisons: USASOC: JSOU.EA.ARMY@socom.mil , WARCOM: JSOU.EA.NAVY@socom.mil , AFSOC: JSOU.EA.USAF@socom.mil , MARSOC: JSOU.EA.USMC@socom.mil , International: JSOU.INTNCO@socom.mil.
There are no required texts or materials for this course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.
JSOFSEA enhances the critical thinking of senior enlisted leaders (SEL) as they grow their knowledge base in the strategic and operational realm. Students gain valuable knowledge and experience to successfully lead in the joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational (JIIM) environment. This course develops students for operational and strategic level positions across a broad range of joint and special operations assignments.
The Joint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy is designed for nominated special operations forces (SOF) operators, select SOF enabling specialties, and noncommissioned officers (E8-E9) from active component U.S. SOF, reserve component U.S. SOF, U.S. conventional forces, and U.S. interagency partners. Effective Immediately the USSOCOM CCM in coordination with Component CSELs has deemed that all JSOU Enlisted Academy courses (CEPs 1-4) are now nominative. Service-members who want to be considered for enrollment in a JSOU Enlisted Academy course must work through their respective SOF Service Component MAJCOM CSEL. International students may also be accepted.This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Numbers: D179001 for phase I (DL) and D171047 for phase II (RL)
There are no required texts or materials for this course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.
The course educates students for nominative-level leadership roles in SOF. Students will learn mission-oriented leadership and strategic thinking skills to prepare them to effectively advise, lead, and mentor at the strategic leader level. Students will also analyze and evaluate the impact strategic thinking, U.S. national policy, and global security has on USSOCOM.
The primary target audience for the Summit Course is SOF operators in the grade of E-9 and serving in, or having successfully served in an O6 command level SEL billet. Effective Immediately, the USSOCOM CCM in coordination with Component CSELs has deemed that all JSOU Enlisted Academy courses (CEPs 1-4) are now nominative. Service-members who want to be considered for enrollment in a JSOU Enlisted Academy course must work through their respective SOF Service Component MAJCOM CSEL.
There are no required texts or materials for this course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.
Resistance/ Irregular Warfare
The course discusses fundamental concepts of irregular warfare (IW) and irregular adversaries, military support for stability operations, security force assistance, and building partner capacity. The collection of IW modules provides relevant IW content to those who cannot attend resident courses or who need the distance learning to reinforce resident attendance. *Note: Students MUST provide BOTH a personal email address AND either their .gov or .mil email address in order to be registered for the course.
This curriculum is for officers (O1-O4), warrant officers (W1-W3), noncommissioned officers (E5-E7), civilian, and contractors equivalents in the special operations forces (SOF) community or supporting SOF operations. International students, military, and civilians may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. This course has not yet been submitted for accreditation. This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D400015
There are no required texts or materials for this course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
This course prepares CJSOTF, TSOC or GCC – level staff members to conceptualize, plan, and coordinate support-to-resistance operations, focusing on unconventional warfare for planning, management, and oversight of SOF activities at the operational and strategic levels.
This course is taught at the operational level and designed specifically for the special operations community and interagency partners assigned to and/or in direct support of resistance related activities. The primary student profile is enlisted (E7-E9), warrant (W2–W5), officers (O3-O6), or government employees (GG/GS12-15). All others are evaluated and accepted on a case-by-case basis. This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D179174
All required texts and materials are available to the student on the JSOU e-Campus using the Blackboard Learning Management System. Each student MUST have audio / visual capability, and access to commercial internet and the JSOU e-Campus site prior to and throughout the course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
Sensitive Activities
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a managerial level understanding of Sensitive Activities (SA) to a level that enables students to apply existing functional expertise to assist them in planning, managing, and/or enabling SA within the applicable authorities, permissions, processes, and oversight of their organization.
Duration: Five-day resident at JSOU.
Location: The course is conducted as a resident course at JSOU.
The target audience for SA education is mid to senior level officers, NCOs, warrant officers, and civilians currently serving or who will serve at a SOF headquarters in a SA-related position. Audience includes both SOF and non-SOF personnel. The program primarily focuses on operational-level SA mission management but will also be available for staff from other DOD headquarters and the interagency.
Students must complete the pre-requisite SOF Sensitive Activities Foundations Course SOC 3220 before enrollment.
All text and materials will be available to the student on the JSOU Blackboard SIPR page.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
The course is nominative/invite only. Please contact SOCOM J4 on SIPR at ussocom_j4x@socom.smil.mil to request to attend or for questions. The course educates students on best practices in critical and strategic thinking, analysis, innovation, problem solving, risk management, negotiations, influential leadership, and relationships to enable global logistics support to sensitive activities. The curriculum provides graduates with advanced skills and knowledge required t determine the appropriate appropriations, arrangements and span of efforts required to enable the full range of SOF Operations.
Duration: The course is presented over 35 days (30 days DL and 5 days resident)
Location: The course is conducted as a hybrid with the first 30 days via distance learning (DL). The remaining five days are conducted in resident at the Joint Special Operations University.
Military and Civilian Logistics personnel, including interagency Partners and MILPERS from other functional areas that work with the SOF Logisticians, to ensure logistics support to sensitive activities across the USSOCOM Enterprise.
All required texts and materials will be available to the student on either the course e-Campus site or issued upon arrival in the classroom. Each student MUST have after hours-NOT in the classroom-access to commercial internet and the course e-Campus site throughout the course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
Description: The purpose of this course is to provide students with a foundational level understanding of Sensitive Activities (SA) to a level that enables students to apply existing functional expertise to assist them in planning, managing, and/or enabling SA within the applicable authorities, permissions, processes, and oversight of their organization.
Duration: Once accepted the student will have 30 days to complete the course.
Location: The course is conducted as an asynchronous DL course via Blackboard on SIPR.
NOTE: When registering for the course please include SIPR email address.
The target audience for SA education is mid to senior level officers, NCOs, warrant officers, and civilians currently serving or who will serve at a SOF headquarters in a SA-related position. Audience includes both SOF and non-SOF personnel. The program primarily focuses on operational-level SA mission management but will also be available for staff from other DOD headquarters and the interagency.
ATTENTION: You must include your SIPR email on your student profile in order to be registered for this course.
All required texts and materials will be available to the student on Black Board SIPR page.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
Intelligence/ Counterintelligence
The course is a self-paced, online, introductory course designed to prepare intelligence personnel for attendance at the SOIC (SIT 4750). Additionally, SOIC-F will provide the foundational understanding of an intelligence professional supporting Special Operations Command (SOCOM), Theater Special Operations Command (TSOC), Combined/Joint Special Operations Task Forces (CJSOTF), and/or Special Operations Joint Task Force (SOJTF) intelligence staffs. It provides an overview of the United States strategies, an introduction to the strategic environment, the evolution of SOF intelligence, the Intelligence Community (IC), and Interagency (IA) partnerships to SOF, SOCOM J2 staff, components and TSOC lesson learned, intelligence support in Irregular Warfare (IW), and the concept of operating in a multi-domain. The course is self-paced, on-line via JSOU provided Blackboard access.
Duration: Continuous (30 days)
Location: Distance Learning
Intelligence officers (O3-O5), warrant officers (W1-W5), noncommissioned officers (E6-E9) and civilian employees in equivalent grades assigned to a CJSOTF, TSOC, or to USSOCOM HQ.
Students will gain access to the JSOU Blackboard SOIC-F (SOS 3750) upon enrollment. During the course, students will use Blackboard for access to all course content and any interaction with students or faculty.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has not yet been submitted for accreditation.
Special Operations Intelligence Course has been designed to prepare intelligence personnel for duty on a special operations command (SOCOM), theater special operations command (TSOC), combined joint special operations task force (CJSOTF), or special operations joint task force (SOJTF) intelligence staff. It examines SOCOM missions, Intelligence Community (IC) support to SOF, SOCOM J2 staff, components, real-life scenario lessons learned events from our strategic adversaries, intelligence support to irregular warfare (IW), and analyzing the multi-domain operational environment.
Duration: This course is presented over 4 weeks of Distance Learning phase + 2 weeks residential learning phase
Location: The course is conducted as a hybrid with four weeks via distance learning (DL). The remaining two weeks are conducted in resident at the Joint Special Operations University.
This course is designed specifically for the special operations community and interagency partners assigned to and/or in direct support of joint and coalition special operations. More specifically, enlisted (E6-E9), officers (03-05), warrant officers (W1–W5), and government personnel (up to GG/GS 14) assigned to TSOC’s, or associated echelons, who are involved in planning and conducting operations in the cyber domain. All others are evaluated and accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Students will be enrolled between 45 days and NLT 30 days prior to the course start date. Those not selected will be rejected or placed on standby list for the first available seat. The Course Director will provide a welcome email to students prior to the course start date. The course is conducted at the level Top Secret (TS), Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), Alternative Compensatory Control Measures (ACCM)-level. Students must have a TS clearance and be indoctrinated into a SCI billet prior to course commencement. Specific ACCM indoctrination will occur upon arrival if the student is not already cleared for the required ACCM. There is a 4-week Distance Learning phase that is unclassified, self-paced, and on Blackboard. Students will be provided a Blackboard account prior to commencement.
Introduction to Special Operations Forces - Distance Learning Introduction to Special Operations Intelligence
All required texts and materials will be available to the student on Blackboard, Classified SharePoint, or issued upon arrival in the classroom. Each student MUST have after hours – NOT in the classroom – access to commercial internet and JSOU Blackboard site prior to and throughout the course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
Influence and Information Advantage
This 6-Module course is designed to enable the learner to evaluate the informational and human aspects of the target information environment to gain an understanding of current, emerging, and future conditions. The curriculum introduces students to the application of research methods including qualitative and quantitative analysis in order to assess, measure, and evaluate changes because of joint SOF operations. Students will gain an overview of research intent and design, data collection, and statistical and interpretive analysis. The focus of the course is not on mastery of statistics, rather the ability to apply research methods to evaluate SOF Operations in the Information Environment to provide insights to the staff and further inform a commander’s decision cycle.
SOF commissioned (O3-O5), warrant (W1-W3), and noncommissioned (E6-E8) officers assigned to USSOCOM headquarters, service components, or theater commands responsible for planning, strategic influence and/or information advantage. JIIM-C personnel are welcomed within capacity. This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D179200.
There are no prerequires for the course. Anyone eligible to take JSOU courses may enroll. However, priority seating is allocated to those enrolled in the Strategic Influence through Information Advantage, Integrated Program of Study. Learners enrolled in the program are encouraged to complete the Foundations and Applied courses, SIA 5671 and SIA 5672 prior to attending.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
SOF-IOIE is designed for personnel who are assigned to U.S. Special Operations Command, Service Components and Theater Special Operations Commands in operations and planning billets. The course follows the layout of Joint Publication 3-04, Information in Joint Operations, with emphasis on what it means for SOF as well as some familiarization with current theory and strategy, influence methods and planning considerations to employ information forces. The delivery will be conducted over 4-weeks of Distance Learning with required short Zoom sessions to guide progress. The resident portion will include classified lessons and a practicum. This requires no prerequisite learning.”
Personnel selected to attend SOF-IOIE should be assigned to USSOCOM, the TSOCs, or SOF Components or other U.S. government activities against billets related in some way related to SIIA. Planners from the J2, J3 and J5 as well as members of the information forces of Public Affairs, Civil Affairs, OPSEC, Cyber, EW, JEMSO, Deception, Space and PSYOP are encouraged to attend. This includes contractor support personnel with permission. Although the large majority of students in SOF-IOIE are affiliated with DoD, personnel in similar job positions in other federal agencies may also attend. Units are requested to fund travel necessary to attend this pilot. This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D139050
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
This resident, seminar-style course analyzes cyber policies and capabilities within the SOF enterprise and the greater Executive Branch agencies. Students examine the mechanics of cyber operations and SOF's role in the U.S. government's approach to cyber operations. Ultimately, students will question what SOF must do to expand its ability to operate in the cyberspace domain. The course is composed of 4 weeks of unclassified Distant Learning (self-paced, asynchronous) and 2 weeks classified Resident phase at JSOU.
Special operations community and interagency partners assigned to and/or in direct support of joint and coalition special operations. The primary student profile is enlisted (E7-E9), warrant (W2–W5), officers (O4-O5), or government employees (GG/GS12-15). All others are evaluated and accepted on a case-by-case basis.
The course is conducted at the level Top Secret (TS), Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), Alternative Compensatory Control Measures (ACCM)-level. Students must have a TS clearance and be indoctrinated into a SCI billet prior to course commencement. Specific ACCM indoctrination will occur upon arrival if the student is not already cleared for the required ACCM.
Students will utilize the unclassified Blackboard tool during the Distance Learning phase of the course. A login will be provided upon acceptance to the course. Students will utilize USSSOCOM SOCRATES (TS//SCI network) during the resident phase of the course. If a student does not have a SOCRATES account, a student account will be provided. Prior to execution of the resident phase, guidance for passing PKI certifications will also be provided.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.
The course provides a survey of the cyberspace domain wherein it examines the fundamentals and evolution of cyberspace; threat posed by illicit and friendly actions in cyberspace; evolution of U.S. cyberspace strategy; and relationship to the Special Operations Enterprise. The course provides a basis for personnel involved the integration of cyberspace enabling technologies and procedures into special operation plans, activities, and operations. The course is self-paced, on-line via JSOU provided Blackboard access.
The primary student profile is enlisted (E4-E9), warrant (W1–W5), officers (O1-O6), or government employees (GG/GS 12-15) from the Special Operations Enterprise or enabling agencies. However, anyone with a .mil or .gov can sign up and take the course.
This is an unclassified, self-paced, course which introduces cyberspace and cyberspace planning. It is composed of readings and videos. Broken down into six modules. Students have 2-months to complete from the day they start.
Students will utilize the unclassified Blackboard tool during the course. A login will be provided upon acceptance to the course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
This resident course prepares staff officers for planning, management, and oversight of cyber-related activities at the TSOC-level. The course examines the organizations, processes, and procedures involved in planning and conducting operations in the cyber domain in-support-of deployed forces and the TSOC staff. During the course, students will conduct two planning evolutions simulating the actions required to employ cyber effects. The course is composed on 2-weeks of unclassified Distance Learning (self-paced, asynchronous) and 1-week classified resident.
This course is designed for the special operations community and interagency partners assigned to and/or in direct support of joint and coalition special operations. More specifically, enlisted (E4-E6), officers (02-05), warrant (W1–W3), and government personnel (up to GG/GS 14) assigned to TSOC’s, or associated echelons, who are involved in planning and conducting operations in the cyber domain. All others are evaluated and accepted on a case-by-case basis.
The course is conducted at the level Top Secret (TS), Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), Alternative Compensatory Control Measures (ACCM)-level. Students must have a TS clearance and be indoctrinated into a SCI billet prior to course commencement. Specific ACCM indoctrination will occur upon arrival if the student is not already cleared for the required ACCM.
Students will utilize the unclassified Blackboard tool during the Distance Learning phase of the course. A login will be provided upon acceptance to the course. Students will utilize USSSOCOM SOCRATES (TS//SCI network) during the resident phase of the course. If a student does not have a SOCRATES account, a student account will be provided. Prior to execution of the resident phase, guidance for passing PKI certifications will also be provided.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
SOF Staff and Enabling Support
*Note: Students MUST provide BOTH a personal email address AND either their .gov or .mil email address in order to be registered for the course.
This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of U.S. SOF. This includes the organization, functions, capabilities, limitations, and employment of each USSOCOM Service component and subordinate unified commands as well as key concepts and terms.
*It takes 1-2 duty days for access*
The course is designed for anyone desiring a foundational understanding of U.S. special operations forces as well as those who have been identified to serve on a joint special operations staff, staff members at USSOCOM, its subordinate commands, and theater special operations commands. The course is suitable for individuals with an enabling or partner relationship to special operations commands or others requiring a fundamental understanding of special operations.This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D126075
Web links and downloadable forms will be provided to all necessary texts and materials.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
*Note: Students must complete the Introduction to Special Operations Forces - Distance Learning (Pilot) course prior to registering for JSOTF (Level 1)
This course focuses on the organization, functions, and responsibilities of each major joint staff section of a joint special operations task force (JSOTF), as well as looking at the command and control structure of a JSOTF. Other lessons include JSOTF involvement in civil-military operations and the interoperability of a JSOTF with interagency, nongovernmental, and intergovernmental organizations. Upon completion of this course, students will receive .5 Joint Qualified Officer (JQO) points. Students must complete the Introduction to Special Operations Forces - Distance Learning course prior to registering for JSOTF (Level 1)
*It takes 1-2 duty days for access*
Ideally, an individual should complete Phase I instruction, prior to being assigned to a theater special operations command (TSOC) or JSOTF. The training audience for this course includes all staff officers and noncommissioned officers, active and reserve component augmentees who may serve in a JSOTF HQ, active and reserve component augmentees enroute/assigned to a TSOC, DoD civilian and contract personnel supporting a JSOTF or TSOC, or other enablers supporting a JSOTF or TSOC. This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D479003
There are no required materials for this course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
This courses is presented in lecture format and is five days long. Topics addressed include security cooperation management, security cooperation organizations and responsibilities, the FMS process, finance, logistics, and training management.
Personnel selected to attend SOF-SC should be assigned to U.S. government activities in CONUS against billets related in some way to SA/SC. This includes contractor support personnel. Although the large majority of students in SOF-SC are affiliated with DoD, personnel in similar job positions in other federal agencies may also attend.This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D179179
This course requires completion of the Defense Security Cooperation Course- "Introduction to Security Cooperation" SC-101 available at https://www.dscu.mil/. This is a 12 hour online course that must be completed prior to the first day of class.
There are no required texts or materials for this course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
The Special Operations Planning Course (SOPC) instructs students on operational-level, Special Operations Forces (SOF)-centric, operational design and planning. Each day students will be challenged to exercise critical thinking and problem-solving skills during multiple different learning activities. These activities include readings, analysis of prepared PowerPoint and other materials, completing homework assignments, and synthesizing information from online resources such as audio and video files. Collaborative interaction occurs through seminar discussions with a small group mentor, group-level practical application exercises, and briefings and presentations.
Students will gain an understanding of the relationship between Joint doctrine, SOF operational approaches, national and Theater strategy, and operational-level planning. SOPC prepares students to participate in Joint Planning Groups within a Theater Special Operations Command (TSOC), special operations component, special operations command, or Joint Force Headquarters. For both the virtual and resident course iterations, students should plan for full days, nightly & weekend homework, and participation in group practical exercises. SOPC is Joint-certified annually by the Joint Staff J7, and officers completing the course earn 1.5 credits toward Joint Officer Qualification (JQO) status. Registration will open 60 days before the course’s start date.
Special operations military officers (O3-O5), warrant officers (W1-W4), senior noncommissioned officers (E7-E9), and government civilians (GS11 and up) as well as non-SOF military and civilians who are preparing for, are en route to, or are serving in a joint special operations assignment (TSOC, JTF, JSOTF, GCC SOF billet USSOCOM, or component HQ) that may involve joint staff planning.This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D126091
Registration will open 60 days prior to class start date.
The instructor of record will email students any required text or materials. Students must have access to a commercial computer, internet access, and must have Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Word, and Excel).
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.
The TSPC-M curriculum is joint focused course for newly assigned Theater Special Operations Command (TSOC) personnel. This fast-paced course gives non-joint personnel exposure to Special Operations Forces (SOF) core activities through a joint lens in order to gain an appreciation of how SOF leverages employment/funding authorities to build theater security cooperation capability and capacity. Additionally, students will understand how a joint TSOC plans for, operates, and leverages U.S. special operations capabilities to compete in an era of Strategic Competition. Finally, through a series of practical exercises, students appreciate how a TSOC supports the Geographic Combatant Command's operational and strategic theater goals in support of national and defense security strategy in a Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental and Multinational (JIIM) environment.
This Theater Special Operations Command Staff Preparation Course-Mobile (TSPC-M) is a five-day in-residence educational event taught at the sponsoring TSOC Headquarters. To hasten the learning curve and increase the understanding of the material, TSOC leadership have established additional on-boarding requirements prior to attending the resident phase. These distance learning requirements include Introduction to Special Operations Forces course, Joint Special Operations Task Force course, Joint Planning Process course, Introduction to Irregular Warfare course (I2WC) and Security Cooperation course. Students will follow instructions in the TSOC Welcome Letter upon enrollment.
Duration: Five (5) working days
Location: The course is conducted as a hybrid via distance learning (DL) over 30 days. Student's must complete the course pre-requisite Introduction to Special Operations Forces (ISOF) SOC 1210 prior to enrollment. The remaining five days are conducted in-resident at the TSOC location or at the Joint Special Operations University.
Priority of enrollment is given to newly assigned/hired TSOC military and civilian (GS/Contractor) personnel or those personnel serving as in-theater SOF enablers to the TSOC. Recommended ranks are E6-E9, O1-O6, WO1-CW5 and GS 09-15.
The synchronous learning will be conducted in the sponsoring TSOC’s time zone.
All required texts and materials will be available to the student on either the course e-Campus site or issued upon arrival in the classroom. Each student MUST have after hours – NOT in the classroom – access to commercial internet and the course e-Campus site throughout the course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.
Description: This course consists of five days of resident instruction. During this period students will learn the functions, responsibilities, and requirements of USSOCOM personnel from select USSOCOM leaders, such as CoS, CSEL, and J-directorates. The course culminates with a writing assignment and the successful completion of a written exam.
Duration: 5 Days
Location: In-Resident
All newly assigned military and government employees to USSOCOM headquarters.
Course materials will be provided as necessary.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.
Functional Support
This course is designed for USSOCOM, TSOC, and component staff members who are new to the countering weapons of mass destruction (CWMD) problem set. The CWMD-F course provides an overview of USSOCOM’s roles in CWMD and recent Unified Command Plan (UCP) change; an understanding of weapons of mass destruction proliferation, nonproliferation, and counter proliferation; a review of DoD CWMD strategy and programs, and a discussion on CWMD and the interagency. These fundamentals enable students to align policies across the CWMD spectrum to USSOCOM capabilities in managing its Coordinating Authority position and what USSOCOM is currently doing to address CWMD operations.
SOCOM and TSOC Staffs and SOF/SOF Enablers assigned to positions that interact with CWMD mission partners, and require a baseline education/knowledge on the SOF CWMD mission.
This course is presented in Resident at the Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) over two weeks. The first week is conducted via Distance Learning (DL), and the second week is in-Resident at JSOU. This course intends to provide SOF Officers, NCOs, and civilian equivalents new to the Special Operations Counter-Proliferation (CP) mission the fundamentals to navigate this complex Joint and Interagency mission set.
There are no required texts or materials for this course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.
***NOTE: Students should be nominated by SOF AT&L before registering for this course.
This course has two components, Distance and Residence Learning. Students complete pre residence distance learning requirements over a period of four weeks then complete 36 hours resident course over a five-days. This course focuses on the Special Operations (SO)-unique Program Agile Acquisition Cycle with emphasis on: special operations (SO) acquisition principles; SO acquisition process, methods, events, and products; and developing an acquisition strategy. Students receive foundational knowledge about USSOCOM Directive & Policy 70-1 and culminate their learning experience by presenting an Acquisition Strategy Brief to a Milestone Decision Authority.
All newly assigned special operations forces (SOF) Acquisition Technology & Logistics employees (military, government, or contractors); acquisition professionals supporting SO acquisition from external Department of Defense (DoD) agencies; and acquisition enablers throughout the Special Operations Enterprise.
Students must have internet access, commercial computer/laptop/device to access pre-requisite and distance learning course materials. All other course materials will be provided as necessary for the in-residence portion.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.
Please do not register for this course unless your unit has confirmed your selection/nomination by message traffic and received a pre-selection email from the course director with registration instructions. This offering focuses on baseline Joint logistics knowledge with specific focus on logistics support to SOF. Through USSOCOM Staff and JSOU faculty led instruction, this course offers Special Operations Forces (SOF) unique, Service Component Operational-Level/Theater-specific logistics capabilities, and resources to enable and support global SOF operations.
This course is taught at the Operational-level and designed specifically for logisticians newly assigned to USSOCOM, its components, and Theater Special Operations Commands. The primary student profile is those individuals with limited to no SOF experience. All others are evaluated and accepted on a case-by-case basis. International students are authorized to attend the course. Please coordinate with the Secuity Cooperation Office at the U.S. Embassy in the resident country and provide them MASL # D151032.
No textbook required however course materials will be provided through JSOU Blackboard website as necessary. No electronics are permitted in the JSOU facility including but not limited to government laptop, smart watches, and phones.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
This course is composed of a five-day synchronous session (30 hours) conducted in residence at JSOU. This interactive course explains the SOF medical operations concepts and fundamentals of the USSOCOM mission, roles, and capabilities, with a focus on medical operations in a joint setting. The students will also examine operations/plans, current lessons learned, medical intelligence, medical force protection, operational risk assessment, health surveillance, and SOF-relevant clinical subjects.
Primarily for, but not limited to, military officers, warrant officers, noncommissioned officers, and U.S. government civilian/contractor employees in comparable grades, serving the SOF community or in direct support of SOF medical community. International military and civilians whose job requires knowledge of SOF medical operations may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D400019
All required texts and materials are available to the student on either JSOU e-Campus or issued upon arrival in the classroom. Each student MUST have access to commercial internet and the course e-Campus site prior to and throughout the course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
This in-resident course is composed of five-days of face-to-face instruction at JSOU (40 hours). This course provides an overview of SOF-specific public affairs issues. The curriculum covers component and command-level best practices. Students will examine SOF media guidelines, outreach programs, and joint planning with emphasis on subordinate unit public affairs operations.
Primarily for, but not limited to, military officers, warrant officers, noncommissioned officers, and U.S. government civilian/contractor employees that are working as public affairs staff members assigned to SOF units.
All materials will be provided in class.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
SOF Chaplaincy Spiritual and Moral Resiliency (SCSR), L2 (Direct Support to HQ USSOCOM). Each iteration provides virtual/residence space for 8-16 students. SCSR is primarily designed for SOF Chaplains & SOF RST SEL as well as POTFF team members assigned with the USSOCOM enterprise. This continuing education course is given at a seminar-based graduate level and serves as part of the SOF Chaplaincy Advanced courses in order to challenge students to develop & implement joint SOF-specific spiritual and moral resiliency; it will challenge students to explore the place of spirituality in a holistic continuum of care and its fundamental role in contributing to the resiliency by challenging students to contextualize their theological world view within a pluralistic environment to evaluate the elements of spiritual readiness to create a holistic model of well-being with a particular focus to mitigate suicidality, PTSD, moral injury and other SOF peculiar stress related conditions encountered by U.S. Special Operations Command service members, and their families while creating a holistic, spiritual model of well-being for the SOF warrior.
The course is designed for primarily for SOF Chaplains & SOF RST SEL as well as POTFF team members assigned within USSOCOM enterprise and desiring an advanced development & implementation joint SOF-specific spiritual and moral resiliency.This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number DL: D179166 MASL Number RL: D179162
The synchronous learning will be conducted in the Eastern Time Zone.
Virtual webinar/meeting platform, Weblinks, and course materials will be provided as necessary. Students must have internet access, commercial computer/laptop/device to access course materials and the virtual webinar/meeting platform.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
SOF Chaplain Ethical Leadership Advisement (SCEA), L2 (Direct Support to HQ USSOCOM). Each iteration provides virtual/residence space for 8-16 students. SCEA is primarily designed for SOF Chaplains & SOF RST SEL as well as POTFF team members assigned with the USSOCOM enterprise. This continuing education course is given at a seminar-based graduate level and serves as part of the SOF Chaplaincy Advanced courses in order to challenge students to contextualize their respective joint SOF RST (Religious Support Team) and SOF Warrior identities in order to create a spiritual ethical & moral leadership model, to learn to perform ethical risk assessment, address moral drift & SOF Ethical Decision-Making model, to develop leadership-coaching practices, and to write a SOF-specific research paper that supports the domain within POTFF and the Commander's resiliency program while being able to provide ethical leadership advisement & train subordinate Religious Support Teams.
The course is designed for primarily for SOF Chaplains & SOF RST SEL as well as POTFF team members assigned within USSOCOM enterprise and desiring an advanced development & implementation of joint SOF-specific religious support & ethical leadership advisement.This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D179164
The synchronous learning will be conducted in the Eastern Time Zone.
Virtual webinar/meeting platform, Weblinks, and course materials will be provided as necessary. Students must have internet access, commercial computer/laptop/device to access course materials and the virtual webinar/meeting platform.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
SOF CWMD Staff Course illustrates the complexity of SOCOM’s CWMD Coordination Mission and summarizes the roles of members assigned to subordinate elements and TSOC’s, enabling graduates to contribute as CWMD OPT members. The Course consists of 2 phases:
A. Phase 1: Distance Learning - students will review CWMD Foundational topics and gain understanding of CWMD authorities and permissions across whole of government.
B. Phase 2: In-residence - students will learn to apply system tools for CWMD planning and work through four practical exercises, developing courses of action to influence the adversary's pathways.
USSOCOM staff members, personnel assigned to TSOCs, Component staff members, SOF Enablers with CWMD focus, and Interagency Partners supporting the CWMD/Counter Proliferation mission.
All required texts and materials are available to the student on either JSOU e-Campus or issued upon arrival in the classroom. Each student MUST have access to commercial internet and the course e-Campus site prior to and throughout the course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
This course is composed of a five-day synchronous session (32 hours) that will be conducted in residence. The course provides a comprehension level overview of the fiscal laws, rules, and processes for Service-common base operating support, home station, and deployment area administrative and logistical support using Major Force Program 11 funds (MFP-11).
This course is designed for special operations officers (O3-O6), warrant officers (W3-W5), noncommissioned officers (E7-E9), and civilians (GS11-GS15) who are currently assigned to USSOCOM or a theater special operations command (TSOC), are preparing for deployment or en route to serving at USSOCOM managing resources in a direct or indirect capacity. Other military, civilians accepted on a case-by-case basis.
All required texts and materials are available to the student on either JSOU e-Campus or issued upon arrival in the classroom. Each student MUST have access to commercial internet and the course e-Campus site prior to and throughout the course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
SOF Chaplaincy Crisis Care and Counseling (SCCC), L2 (Direct Support to HQ USSOCOM). Each iteration provides virtual/residence space for 8-16 students. SCCC is primarily designed for SOF Chaplains & SOF RST SEL as well as POTFF team members assigned within the USSOCOM enterprise. This continuing education course is given at a seminar-based graduate level and serves as part of the SOF Chaplaincy Advanced courses in order to challenge students to apply a conceptual framework for Crisis Care and Counseling that effectively responds to the psycho/social, spiritual/theological and existential issues within the special operations environment with a particular focus to mitigate suicidality, PTSD, moral injury and other SOF peculiar stress related conditions encountered by U.S. Special Operations Command service members and their families.
The course is designed for primarily for SOF Chaplains & SOF RST SEL as well as POTFF team members assigned within USSOCOM enterprise and desiring an advanced development and implementation joint SOF-specific the psycho/social, theological, and existential issues of crisis and care.This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number resident course: D179163 Distance learning course: D179165
The synchronous learning will be conducted in the Eastern Time Zone.
Virtual webinar/meeting platform, Weblinks, and course materials will be provided as necessary. Students must have internet access, commercial computer/laptop/device to access course materials and the virtual webinar/meeting platform.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
Religious Support Team Orientation Course (RSTO), L2 (Direct Support to HQ USSOCOM). Each RSTO iteration is conducted for 25-45 students on the JSOU Campus. It is primarily designed for SOF Chaplains & SOF RST enlisted, POTFF team members, as well as military officers, warrant officers, noncommissioned officers, and U.S. government civilian/contractor employees, serving the SOF community or in direct support of chaplains/chaplain assistants and religious programs. It provides an overview of SOF religious support (RS) programs and issues in each SOF components and commands, as well as SOF-specific supportive care and counseling skills education. The curriculum also covers best practices, unique funding issues and role on the interdisciplinary team, and the Preservation of the Force and Family (POTFF) team.
Primarily for, but not limited to, military officers, warrant officers, noncommissioned officers, and U.S. government civilian/contractor employees, serving the SOF community or in direct support of chaplains/chaplain assistants and religious programs. International military and civilians whose job requires knowledge of SOF religious programs may be accepted.This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D126083
Resident Course.
Provided day of class.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
This course listing serves as an entry point for students to access a Blackboard-based landing page from which students can then sign-up for a wide variety of government or government-funded, commercially provided, courses.
These self-paced, distance-learning, educational offerings address two subject areas: Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. The courses provide basic, intermediate and advanced learning opportunities.
Actual length of the offered courses/modules varies. You will have access to the JSOU Blackboard landing page for 30 days upon enrollment.
All personnel assigned to or supporting the US Special Operations enterprise with a “.mil” or “.gov” email address. Note: some specific course listings are not available to contractors.
A students will be provided a Blackboard log-in and password upon registration. Additional guidance will be provided by each subsequent individual course/module listing students decide to complete.
These courses are not accredited by ACCET.
JSOU Staff and Faculty Development Program (JSOU Staff and Faculty Only)
THIS COURSE IS FOR JSOU FACULTY ONLY. This is a self-paced course designed to provide faculty members with the knowledge and skills to create, maintain, and manage courses using the Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS). The course will also provide concepts and principles for teaching students in an online environment. (Total 16 hours)
Primary: Faculty members assigned to the Joint Special Operations University who require Blackboard instructor privileges' in Blackboard courses. Secondary: None Grades: Students must pass the end of course Capstone Exercise to successfully complete the course.
Self-Paced open enrollment (JSOU Staff & Faculty only)
Students will have access to all required materials through JSOU’s e-campus.
This course is not ACCET accredited.
This self-paced online course is designed for JSOU faculty and staff who will be creating and teaching courses. It is designed to teach the knowledge and skills to navigate the Blackboard Learn site, building content, create assessments, and discussions in the Blackboard Learn Ultra course view. In addition to the About This Course section, there are five modules in this course that contain lessons.
1. Getting Started with Ultra
2. Building Courses
3. Assessing Learners
4. Enhancing Communication
5. Evaluating Your Course
JSOU Faculty and Staff who will be teaching Blackboard courses.
*Students MUST provide a valid personal email address (.gov, .mil, or .com) in order to be registered for this course.
This self-paced online course prepares individuals to develop and teach curriculum while creating active learning environments focused on higher levels of learning through the use of various teaching methodologies. The course is divided into two modules: (1) Curriculum Development at JSOU and (2) Developing as an Instructor at JSOU.
Module 1: Curriculum Development at JSOU - Students will take lessons relating to adult learning theories, the Instructional Systems Development (ISD) process, JSOU curriculum development process and the JSOU ADDIE model. At the completion of the module, students will have a greater understanding of how courses and lessons are developed at JSOU.
Module 2: Developing as an Instructor at JSOU - Students will learn effective classroom management and presentation techniques. Student will also take a series of lessons through MaxKnowledge (1) Student Learning and Assessment, (2) Preparing and Creating Lesson Plans, and (3) Effective Teaching Strategies. At the completion of this module, students will have a greater understanding of classroom management and lesson presentation techniques in an active learning environment.
Newly assigned JSOU adjunct faculty members. (This course is limited to JSOU Faculty and Staff personnel only.)
There are no required texts or materials for this course.
This course is not accredited through ACCET.
This workshop offers an overview of Blackboard Ultra LMS and other learning technologies faculty members will use to build and manage JSOU courses. Students will participate in an immersive learning experience in which they will create a simple course by building content modules, assignments, discussions, journals, rubrics, and assessment and select options for managing those items and monitoring and recording student progress. Students will also learn about J-Hub, J-Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ancillary applications used in JSOU courses.
All assigned/hired JSOU faculty members are top priority. SOF personnel teaching in any service or environment are a secondary priority. This is a joint SOF academic instructor course.
All required texts and materials will be available to the student on either the course e-Campus site or issued upon arrival in the classroom. Each student MUST have after hours – NOT in the classroom – access to commercial internet and the course e-Campus site throughout the course.
This course is not accredited.
The course prepares Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) faculty and staff members with a basic understanding of the history of JSOU, its organizational structure, policies, accreditation, and security and technology procedures. Also, the key players across the institution will introduce themselves and illustrate where they and their offices fit in JSOU’s mission as well as where they are actively engaged in the common flow of a JSOU educational event from the earliest planning stages, through preparation/execution, to the end of post-execution actions.
All newly assigned/hired JSOU faculty and staff members are required to attend.
The workshop prepares Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) faculty members and other selected SOF instructors to develop and teach curricula while creating an active learning environment focusing on outcome-based learning through the use of various teaching methodologies. Students will participate in lessons on learning theory, instructional systems design, the ADDIE model, active learning, and student assessment and evaluation. This instruction includes planning, tools, and techniques that are essential to provide an engaging learning experience for students. Students will make educational presentations as experiential learning and for assessment purposes.
Newly assigned/hired JSOU faculty members are top priority. SOF personnel teaching in any service or environment are a secondary priority. This is a joint SOF academic instructor course.