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*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownJoint Special Operations Medical Orientation Course
USSOCOM Staff Education Program Foundations
Joint SOF Logistics Course
Recent Publications
From Pirates to Power Plays: Geopolitical Strategies and Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea and Beyond
The Gulf of Guinea: A Primer
In Denied Areas: Lessons from the British Special Operations Executive and Jedburghs
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About JSOU
Popular Resources
Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownJoint Special Operations Medical Orientation Course
USSOCOM Staff Education Program Foundations
Joint SOF Logistics Course
Recent Publications
From Pirates to Power Plays: Geopolitical Strategies and Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea and Beyond
The Gulf of Guinea: A Primer
In Denied Areas: Lessons from the British Special Operations Executive and Jedburghs
Featured Publications
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Our History
August 1994
General Wayne Downing (3rd Commander, USSOCOM) establishes the Joint Special Operations Forces Institute at Fort Bragg, NC to address education requirements.
June 1998
General Peter Schoomaker (5th Commander, USSOCOM) tasks the Future Concepts Working Group to study SOF joint education and develop solutions if shortfalls exist.
May 1999
Implementation plans begin in earnest for a SOF University (SOFU).
June 2000
Initial Charter for the Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) is signed.
September 2000
JSOU is activated at Hurlburt Field, Florida, co-located with the USAF Special aOperations School. Initial focus is on operational level joint curriculum. BG Ken Bergquist, USA, is appointed first JSOU President.
December 2000
JSOU conducts its first International Mobile Education Team (MET) and establishes a long-lasting partnership with the NATO School at Oberammergau, Germany.
September 2001
Terrorists attack the US Homeland. Demand for JSOU courses increases as priorities shift to meet the emerging SOF joint education requirements.
July 2002
BG Paulette Risher is appointed the second JSOU President as General Charles Holland (6th Commander, USSOCOM) officiates.
June 2004
Center for Knowledge and Futures (SOKF) is activated at Hqs, USSOCOM. The JSOU President is dual-hatted as its Director.
September 2004
JSOU hosts the first Counter Terrorism Fellowship Program workshop for ASD (SO/LIC) attended by 65 US and International participants.
October 2004
The Strategic Studies Department is established and publishes the first Annual SOF Research Plan.
April 2005
The JSOU Press is established as research and publication become a mainstream element of JSOU capability.
September 2005
BG Steven Hashem, USA is appointed the third JSOU President as General Doug Brown (7th Commander, USSOCOM) officiates.
October 2005
JSOU provides a MET to the Special Operations Division of the Polish Armed Forces, expanding academic engagement with TSOC-designated International Partners.
May 2006
JSOU’s first Strategic Plan is published following a command-wide Educational Requirements Analysis. This proposed a SOF Leadership Competency Model, validated the strategic studies initiative, increased PME support and fostered multiple delivery methods.
August 2007
Dr. Brian Maher is appointed to the Senior Executive Service and assumes JSOU Presidency as first civilian – Admiral Eric Olson (8th Commander, USSOCOM) officiates.
Admiral Olsen approves the re-location of JSOU to MacDill AFB, temporarily using the leased "Pinewood" facility outside the MacDill AFB main gate.
March 2008
Admiral Olson directs the establishment of the Joint Special Operations Senior Enlisted Academy (JSOFSEA).
January 2008
In response to the 2006 DOD Quadrennial Defense Review, JSOU launches its Irregular Warfare curriculum and expands its Interagency Education program to five courses.
July 2008
A SOF Education Azimuth Study leads to JSOU’s Future Concept, validating the move to Tampa, expanding NCO education and increasing support to Theater SOCs.
December 2009
JSOU receives college-level accreditation from the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET), a Department of Education recognized national agency.
May 2010
JSOFSEA inaugural class graduation with 32 joint SOF warriors.
Summer 2010
JSOU commences the move to Tampa as renovation begins to convert Pinewood into an academically suitable campus.
Fall 2010
JSOU enhances the SOF Education Network by placing academic liaisons at the Special Operations Component Headquarters and Schools.
April 2011
Admiral Olson and CSM Smith officiate at the dedication ceremony as the Pinewood Campus becomes fully operational.
November 2011
The USSOCOM Library is placed under the responsibility of the JSOU President, increasing its holdings and adding electronic research databases.
July 2012
JSOU extends international outreach to the developing NATO Special Operations Training Centre (later NATO Spec Ops School) at Chievres AB, Belgium and assigns an academic liaison.
November 2012
JSOU receives the Learning Spotlight Award for education innovation from the Elliott Masie Center.
October 2013
JSOU re-organizes creating a Center for Continuing Education, a College of Special Operations, the JSOU Enlisted Academy and a Center for Studies and Research.
February 2014
Groundbreaking for the new JSOU Academic Facility on MacDill AFB.
March 2014
The JSOU Enlisted Academy reaches full operational capability by launching the Career Education Program of Joint Fundamentals, SOF Enterprise Management, JSOFSEA and the executive Summit courses.
June 2014
JSOU is designated a Partnership Training and Education Center (PTEC) member to enhance interaction with NATO education institutions.
September 2014
JSOU surpasses the 10,000 student attendance mark.
JSOU celebrates 15 year anniversary.
January 2015
At the direction of General Votel (10th Commander, USSOCOM), JSOU launches its Design Thinking education program.
January 2016
JSOU receives the Allied Command Transformation (NATO) Quality Assurance certification.
February 2016
General Votel signs the second JSOU Charter, designating the President as his senior advisor for SOF joint education and reports directly to the Commander.
April 2017
General Thomas (11th Commander, USSOCOM) dedicates the new JSOU Academic Facility.
September 2018
Congress approves JSOU’s legislative proposal for Title 10 Civilian Hiring Authority in NDAA19.