Saudi Arabia: Modernity, Stability, and the Twenty-First Century Monarchy

Authored by:
Roby Barrett
Published on 6/1/2015
Digital Only

Dr. Roby Barrett's newest monograph will help Special Operations Forces better appreciate the domestic, regional, and various influences on the worldview and decision-making of Saudi Arabia's leaders, particularly those issues that have a significant impact on U.S.-Saudi security relationships. His monograph is a fascinating, condensed account of Saudi Arabia, focused on events and decisions that influence the modern political worldview of citizens in that country. For example, a record of tribes being ruled by outsiders; the pros and cons of alliances with the British and (more recently) the U.S., the impact of global geopolitics (e.g. Cold War), and the impact of regional neighbors' policies and events on Saudi Arabia's domestic and foreign policies (to include its relationship with the U.S.). This volume explains the importance of politically shrewd and pragmatic leaders and the ways that Iran's ambitions and policies threaten Saudi Arabia's regional influence, as well as how the fracturing of the U.S.-Iran relationship played well for Saudi Arabia. This monograph will be useful to strategists, planners, and leaders interested in the region and the U.S. relationship with the Kingdom.