Joint SOF Logistics Course

Functional Support JSLC SOC 2638 Nomination Only ACCET Accredited Unclassified


Please do not register for this course unless your unit has confirmed your selection/nomination by message traffic and received a pre-selection email from the course director with registration instructions. This offering focuses on baseline Joint logistics knowledge with specific focus on logistics support to SOF. Through USSOCOM Staff and JSOU faculty led instruction, this course offers Special Operations Forces (SOF) unique, Service Component Operational-Level/Theater-specific logistics capabilities, and resources to enable and support global SOF operations.


This course is taught at the Operational-level and designed specifically for logisticians newly assigned to USSOCOM, its components, and Theater Special Operations Commands. The primary student profile is those individuals with limited to no SOF experience. All others are evaluated and accepted on a case-by-case basis. International students are authorized to attend the course. Please coordinate with the Secuity Cooperation Office at the U.S. Embassy in the resident country and provide them MASL # D151032.




No textbook required however course materials will be provided through JSOU Blackboard website as necessary. No electronics are permitted in the JSOU facility including but not limited to government laptop, smart watches, and phones.


JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.

25B (10-Mar-2025 to 28-Mar-2025)
Location: JSOU Bldg
Comments: Enrollment Open. Distance Learning: 10 Mar 2025-21 Mar 2025. Resident Learning: 24 Mar 2025-28 Mar 2025.
25C (26-May-2025 to 13-Jun-2025)
Location: JSOU Bldg
Comments: Registration Opens: 12 May 2025. Distance Learning: 26 May 2025-06 June 2025. Resident Learning: 09 June 2025-13 June 2025.
Enrollment Closed
25D (25-Aug-2025 to 12-Sep-2025)
Location: JSOU Bldg
Comments: Enrollment Opens: 11 Aug 2025. Distance Learning: 25 Aug 2025-05 Sep 2025. Resident Learning: 08 Sep 2025-12 Sep 2025.
Enrollment Closed