Publications with AOR


Resistance Views: Essays on Unconventional Warfare and Small State Resistance, Tartu Resistance Seminar
Authored by:
Glennis Napier, Mark Schwartz, Gregory Lengyel, Tomas Jermalavičius, Merle Pārmak, Karl Salim, Heather Modon, Linda Robinson, Michael Ryan, Kevin Stringer, Janis Berzins, Richard Shultz
Piracy: The Best Business Model Available
Authored by:
John Alexander
Hybrid Warfare
Authored by:
Timothy McCulloh, Richard Johnson
2006 JSOU/NDIA SO/LIC Chapter Essays
Authored by:
Michael McMahon, Jose Madera, Charles O'Quinn, Edward Mason, Wayne Keysor, John Schaefer, Jan Swillens, D. Jones, James Oldenburg, James Spies
Counterintelligence Quick Look
Authored by:
Michael W. Parrott
The New Way of Limited Warfare: The Value of the Afghan Model of Warfare After the Fight Against ISIS
Authored by:
Captain Tijs Althuizen, MA, and Professor Martijn Kitzen, PhD