About JSOU
Popular Resources
Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownIntroduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
Introduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
SOF Sensitive Activities Foundations
Recent Publications
There is an Identity Crisis in Special Forces: Who are the Green Berets Supposed to Be?
Gender, Law, and Security: The Unseen Foundation of Global Stability
Russia's Syria Policy: From the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation
About JSOU
Popular Resources
Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownIntroduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
Introduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
SOF Sensitive Activities Foundations
Recent Publications
There is an Identity Crisis in Special Forces: Who are the Green Berets Supposed to Be?
Gender, Law, and Security: The Unseen Foundation of Global Stability
Russia's Syria Policy: From the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation
SOF Resource Management Course
This course is composed of a five-day synchronous session (32 hours) that will be conducted in residence. The course provides a comprehension level overview of the fiscal laws, rules, and processes for Service-common base operating support, home station, and deployment area administrative and logistical support using Major Force Program 11 funds (MFP-11).
This course is designed for special operations officers (O3-O6), warrant officers (W3-W5), noncommissioned officers (E7-E9), and civilians (GS11-GS15) who are currently assigned to USSOCOM or a theater special operations command (TSOC), are preparing for deployment or en route to serving at USSOCOM managing resources in a direct or indirect capacity. Other military, civilians accepted on a case-by-case basis.
All required texts and materials are available to the student on either JSOU e-Campus or issued upon arrival in the classroom. Each student MUST have access to commercial internet and the course e-Campus site prior to and throughout the course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.