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*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownJoint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy
Theater Special Operations Command Staff Preparation Course-Mobile
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (PILOT)
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From Pirates to Power Plays: Geopolitical Strategies and Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea and Beyond
The Gulf of Guinea: A Primer
In Denied Areas: Lessons from the British Special Operations Executive and Jedburghs
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About JSOU
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Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownJoint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy
Theater Special Operations Command Staff Preparation Course-Mobile
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (PILOT)
Recent Publications
From Pirates to Power Plays: Geopolitical Strategies and Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea and Beyond
The Gulf of Guinea: A Primer
In Denied Areas: Lessons from the British Special Operations Executive and Jedburghs
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Special Operations Planning Course
The Special Operations Planning Course (SOPC) instructs students on operational-level, Special Operations Forces (SOF)-centric, operational design and planning. Each day students will be challenged to exercise critical thinking and problem-solving skills during multiple different learning activities. These activities include readings, analysis of prepared PowerPoint and other materials, completing homework assignments, and synthesizing information from online resources such as audio and video files. Collaborative interaction occurs through seminar discussions with a small group mentor, group-level practical application exercises, and briefings and presentations. Students will gain an understanding of the relationship between Joint doctrine, SOF operational approaches, national and Theater strategy, and operational-level planning. SOPC prepares students to participate in Joint Planning Groups within a Theater Special Operations Command (TSOC), special operations component, special operations command, or Joint Force Headquarters. For both the virtual and resident course iterations, students should plan for full days, nightly & weekend homework, and participation in group practical exercises. SOPC is Joint-certified annually by the Joint Staff J7, and officers completing the course earn 1.5 credits toward Joint Officer Qualification (JQO) status. Registration will open 60 days before the course’s start date.
Special operations military officers (O3-O5), warrant officers (W1-W4), senior noncommissioned officers (E7-E9), and government civilians (GS11 and up) as well as non-SOF military and civilians who are preparing for, are en route to, or are serving in a joint special operations assignment (TSOC, JTF, JSOTF, GCC SOF billet USSOCOM, or component HQ) that may involve joint staff planning.This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D126091
Registration will open 60 days prior to class start date.
The instructor of record will email students any required text or materials. Students must have access to a commercial computer, internet access, and must have Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Word, and Excel).
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.