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The views expressed in this interview are entirely the opinions of the participants. They do not represent the views of the United States Government, Department of Defense, United States Special Operations Command, or the Joint Special Operations University. 

The Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) Office for Strategic Engagement hosted a ThinkJSOU webinar with Dr. Daniel Moore regarding his recent book, “Offensive Cyber Operations: Understanding Intangible Warfare.” LTC Mitch Wander, JSOU faculty, interviewed Dr. Moore regarding his in-depth analysis of cyber-warfare on 3 March 2023. In this webinar, Dr. Moore presents a practical methodology to illuminate distinct characteristics of cyber operations and determine whether a specific activity constitutes cyber warfare.

Dr. Moore created an original four-layer model that he submitted as his Ph.D. thesis at Kings College and later developed into this book. He enables an assessment of whether particular offensive cyber operations meet criteria he developed to be considered cyber warfare. Using historical case studies, Dr. Moore identifies intangible warfare as the combination of varied activities, including offensive cyber operations, electronic warfare, and signals intelligence. He categorizes activities as event-based operations and presence-based operations to promote a clearer understanding of operations, their purposes, and their respective roles. Finally, he applies his model to combat operations across known activities by the United States, Russia, China, and Iran. 

Bio: Daniel has over fifteen years in the public and private sectors working at the intersection of operations, intelligence, and information security. He holds a PhD in cyber-warfare from King's College London where he has previously taught cybersecurity in the War Studies department. Daniel's private-sector experience includes roles in IBM, Accenture, and most recently Meta, where he leads a large threat intelligence function within the organization's Integrity department. Daniel's book, Offensive Cyber Operations, was published in 2022 with Hurst in the UK and Oxford University Press in the US.  

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Daniel Moore
Daniel Moore

Daniel has over fifteen years in the public and private sectors working at the intersection of operations, intelligence, and information security. He holds a PhD in cyber-warfare from King's College London where he has previously taught cybersecurity in the War Studies department. Daniel's private-sector experience includes roles in IBM, Accenture, and most recently Meta, where he leads a large threat intelligence function within the organization's Integrity department. Daniel's book, Offensive Cyber Operations, was published in 2022 with Hurst in the UK and Oxford University Press in the US. 

Mitchell  Wander
Mitchell Wander

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Mitchell Wander, an Army Reserve Cyber Warfare Officer, helped establish and currently instructs the Cyberspace and Special Operations Forces (CSOF) course at Joint Special Operations University (JSOU). His previous military roles include leading a forensics and malware team, coordinating operations for Army Cyber Command, and enabling the combat readiness of the Iraqi Army as an embedded Military Transition Team advisor. He specializes in cyber operations planning, risk management, and interagency coordination. LTC Wander holds a master’s degree from National Defense University, a master’s degree from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business, and a bachelor’s degree in economics from The George Washington University.