Joint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy

Enlisted Education CEP 3 SOE 4600 Nomination Only ACCET Accredited Secret


JSOFSEA enhances the critical thinking of senior enlisted leaders (SEL) as they grow their knowledge base in the strategic and operational realm. Students gain valuable knowledge and experience to successfully lead in the joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational (JIIM) environment. This course develops students for operational and strategic level positions across a broad range of joint and special operations assignments.


The Joint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy is designed for nominated special operations forces (SOF) operators, select SOF enabling specialties, and noncommissioned officers (E8-E9) from active component U.S. SOF, reserve component U.S. SOF, U.S. conventional forces, and U.S. interagency partners. Effective Immediately the USSOCOM CCM in coordination with Component CSELs has deemed that all JSOU Enlisted Academy courses (CEPs 1-4) are now nominative. Service-members who want to be considered for enrollment in a JSOU Enlisted Academy course must work through their respective SOF Service Component MAJCOM CSEL. International students may also be accepted.This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Numbers: D179001 for phase I (DL) and D171047 for phase II (RL)




There are no required texts or materials for this course.


JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.

Class #58 (23-Sep-2024 to 23-May-2025)
Location: JSOU Bldg
Comments: Registration Opens: 22 Aug 2024 - 20 Sep 2024. Distance Learning: 23 Sep 2024 - 10 Mar 2025. Resident Learning: 07 Apr 2025 - 23 May 2025.
Enrollment Closed
Class #59 (06-Jan-2025 to 22-Aug-2025)
Location: JSOU Bldg
Comments: Registration Opens: 18NOV24 - 20DEC24 Distance Learning: 6JAN25 - 22JUN25 Resident Learning: 7JUL25 - 22AUG25
Enrollment Closed
Class #60 (31-Mar-2025 to 25-Nov-2025)
Location: JSOU Bldg
Comments: Registration Opens: 24FEB25 - 24MAR25 Distance Learning: 31MAR25 - 12SEP25 Resident Learning: 6OCT25 - 25NOV25
Enrollment Closed