About JSOU
Popular Resources
Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownIntroduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
Introduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
SOF Sensitive Activities Foundations
Recent Publications
There is an Identity Crisis in Special Forces: Who are the Green Berets Supposed to Be?
Gender, Law, and Security: The Unseen Foundation of Global Stability
Russia's Syria Policy: From the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation
About JSOU
Popular Resources
Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownIntroduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
Introduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
SOF Sensitive Activities Foundations
Recent Publications
There is an Identity Crisis in Special Forces: Who are the Green Berets Supposed to Be?
Gender, Law, and Security: The Unseen Foundation of Global Stability
Russia's Syria Policy: From the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation
Joint Special Operations Task Force (Level 1) Distance Learning
*Note: Students must complete the Introduction to Special Operations Forces - Distance Learning (Pilot) course prior to registering for JSOTF (Level 1) This course focuses on the organization, functions, and responsibilities of each major joint staff section of a joint special operations task force (JSOTF), as well as looking at the command and control structure of a JSOTF. Other lessons include JSOTF involvement in civil-military operations and the interoperability of a JSOTF with interagency, nongovernmental, and intergovernmental organizations. Upon completion of this course, students will receive .5 Joint Qualified Officer (JQO) points. Students must complete the Introduction to Special Operations Forces - Distance Learning course prior to registering for JSOTF (Level 1) *It takes 1-2 duty days for access*
Ideally, an individual should complete Phase I instruction, prior to being assigned to a theater special operations command (TSOC) or JSOTF. The training audience for this course includes all staff officers and noncommissioned officers, active and reserve component augmentees who may serve in a JSOTF HQ, active and reserve component augmentees enroute/assigned to a TSOC, DoD civilian and contract personnel supporting a JSOTF or TSOC, or other enablers supporting a JSOTF or TSOC. This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D479003
There are no required materials for this course.
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.