Joint Fundamentals Course

Enlisted Education CEP 1 SOE 3220 Nomination Only ACCET Accredited Unclassified


*Note: Students MUST provide BOTH a personal email address AND either their .gov or .mil email address in order to be registered for the course. This course educates enlisted students for entry-level leadership careers in SOF. Students, from a tactical and operational perspective, will develop skills in communications, creative thinking, and ethical decision-making. Students will also analyze the history, unique function, and organization of the USSOCOM from the headquarters down to the subcomponent commands. This course is available to international partners. Prospective international students must contact the security cooperation training element at the U.S. Embassy in his/her country to initiate course attendance. Provide the following MASL Number: D400022


E6 SOF operator and enablers. Effective Immediately the USSOCOM CCM in coordination with Component CSELs has deemed that all JSOU Enlisted Academy courses (CEPs 1-4) are now nominative. Each respective SOF Service Component MAJCOM CSEL is responsible for oversight of their Component nominations. Students must be nominated by an E-9 in their Chain of Responsibility. Nomination emails must be forwarded to JSOU Enlisted Academy Service Component Liaisons: USASOC: , WARCOM: , AFSOC: , MARSOC: , International:




There are no required texts or materials for this course.


JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.

Class #53 (19-Mar-2025 to 16-May-2025)
Location: Virtual
Comments: Enrollment Closed Distance Learning: 19 Mar 2025-16 May 2025.
Enrollment Closed
Class #54 (28-May-2025 to 25-Jul-2025)
Location: Virtual
Comments: Enrollment Opens: 24 Mar 25. Enrollment Closes: 21 May 25. Distance Learning 28 May 25-25 July 25.
Enrollment Closed
Class #55 (06-Aug-2025 to 03-Oct-2025)
Location: Virtual
Comments: Enrollment Opens: 02 Jun 25. Enrollment Closes: 30 Jul 25. Distance Learning: 06 Aug 25-03 Oct 25.
Enrollment Closed
Class #56 (15-Oct-2025 to 12-Dec-2025)
Location: Virtual
Comments: Enrollment Opens: 18 August 2025. Distance Learning: 15 Oct 2025-12 Dec 2025.
Enrollment Closed