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Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownJoint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy
Class #60 (31-Mar-2025 to 25-Nov-2025)
Starts on 3/31/2025
Theater Special Operations Command Staff Preparation Course-Mobile
25A (31-Mar-2025 to 04-Apr-2025)
Starts on 3/31/2025
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (PILOT)
25B (01-Apr-2025 to 30-Apr-2025)
Starts on 4/1/2025
Recent Publications
From Pirates to Power Plays: Geopolitical Strategies and Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea and Beyond
The Gulf of Guinea: A Primer
In Denied Areas: Lessons from the British Special Operations Executive and Jedburghs
Featured Publications
From Pirates to Power Plays: Geopolitical Strategies and Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea and Beyond
The Gulf of Guinea: A Primer
In Denied Areas: Lessons from the British Special Operations Executive and Jedburghs
Special Operations Forces Reference Manual, Fifth Edition
The Northern Flank: The Arctic--Implications for SOF
Red Teaming: A Tool to Conduct Risk Assessment, Develop Critical Thinking, and Challenge SOF Strategic Planning Assumptions
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About JSOU
Enlisted Academy
Learn our history
The SOF Advantage
Campus & facilities
ACCET accreditation
Tampa Life
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Student Handbook
Replacement Certificate Request
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Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownJoint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy
Class #60 (31-Mar-2025 to 25-Nov-2025)
Starts on 3/31/2025
Theater Special Operations Command Staff Preparation Course-Mobile
25A (31-Mar-2025 to 04-Apr-2025)
Starts on 3/31/2025
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (PILOT)
25B (01-Apr-2025 to 30-Apr-2025)
Starts on 4/1/2025
Recent Publications
From Pirates to Power Plays: Geopolitical Strategies and Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea and Beyond
The Gulf of Guinea: A Primer
In Denied Areas: Lessons from the British Special Operations Executive and Jedburghs
Featured Publications
From Pirates to Power Plays: Geopolitical Strategies and Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea and Beyond
The Gulf of Guinea: A Primer
In Denied Areas: Lessons from the British Special Operations Executive and Jedburghs
Special Operations Forces Reference Manual, Fifth Edition
The Northern Flank: The Arctic--Implications for SOF
Red Teaming: A Tool to Conduct Risk Assessment, Develop Critical Thinking, and Challenge SOF Strategic Planning Assumptions
Quick Links
Blackboard Ultra Essentials Course
JSOU Staff and Faculty Development Program (JSOU Staff and Faculty Only)
FDP 3227
Open Nomination Only
This self-paced online course is designed for JSOU faculty and staff who will be creating and teaching courses. It is designed to teach the knowledge and skills to navigate the Blackboard Learn site, building content, create assessments, and discussions in the Blackboard Learn Ultra course view. In addition to the About This Course section, there are five modules in this course that contain lessons. 1. Getting Started with Ultra 2. Building Courses 3. Assessing Learners 4. Enhancing Communication 5. Evaluating Your Course
JSOU Faculty and Staff who will be teaching Blackboard courses.
days to complete)
Location: JSOU Bldg
Comments: Distance learning course event for Blackboard Ultra Essentials Course