SOF Counterintelligence Integration Course

Intelligence/ Counterintelligence SCIC SOS 3776 Nomination Only Top Secret/SCI


Individuals with SIPRnet access can find more information on our SIPR portal at or by emailing the course mailbox at: This course is presented over six days. The course is conducted as a hybrid with the first day via distance learning (DL). The remaining five days are conducted in resident at the Joint Special Operations University. Prerequisites: (1). Credentialed Counterintelligence (CI) Special Agent Certification. (2). Introduction to Special Operations Forces Course, ISOF SOC 1210. This course offers a test-out option. (3). Conduct Pre-Course Knowledge Check on Intelink (SIPR). (4). Students will be required to conduct the asynchronous Distance Learning phase prior to attending the Resident Phase.


Counterintelligence Special Agents, military [E5(P) - O5] and government civilians assigned to SOF units.


**Each student is to review and be familiar with their respective CI service regulations.**


Required materials will be provided via NIPR and SIPR Learning Management System (LMS).


JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.

There are no scheduled events for this course