About JSOU
Popular Resources
Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownJSOU Teaching Fundamentals Workshop
Special Operations Forces-Security Cooperation
Joint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy
Recent Publications
Russia's Syria Policy: From the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation
China and Russia in West Africa: A Tale of Two Powers and Their Quest for Dominance
Unveiling Pervasive Patterns of Violence in West Africa
About JSOU
Popular Resources
Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownJSOU Teaching Fundamentals Workshop
Special Operations Forces-Security Cooperation
Joint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Academy
Recent Publications
Russia's Syria Policy: From the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation
China and Russia in West Africa: A Tale of Two Powers and Their Quest for Dominance
Unveiling Pervasive Patterns of Violence in West Africa
SOF Counterintelligence Integration Course
Individuals with SIPRnet access can find more information on our SIPR portal at https://hq.sof.socom.smil.mil/sites/jsou/Pages/Default.aspx or by emailing the course mailbox at: SOCOM.SOS.3776.Admissions.SHDMBX@socom.mil This course is presented over six days. The course is conducted as a hybrid with the first day via distance learning (DL). The remaining five days are conducted in resident at the Joint Special Operations University. Prerequisites: (1). Credentialed Counterintelligence (CI) Special Agent Certification. (2). Introduction to Special Operations Forces Course, ISOF SOC 1210. This course offers a test-out option. (3). Conduct Pre-Course Knowledge Check on Intelink (SIPR). (4). Students will be required to conduct the asynchronous Distance Learning phase prior to attending the Resident Phase.
Counterintelligence Special Agents, military [E5(P) - O5] and government civilians assigned to SOF units.
**Each student is to review and be familiar with their respective CI service regulations.**
Required materials will be provided via NIPR and SIPR Learning Management System (LMS).
JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. This course has been reviewed and accredited.