About JSOU
Popular Resources
Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownIntroduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
Introduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
SOF Sensitive Activities Foundations
Recent Publications
There is an Identity Crisis in Special Forces: Who are the Green Berets Supposed to Be?
Gender, Law, and Security: The Unseen Foundation of Global Stability
Russia's Syria Policy: From the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation
About JSOU
Popular Resources
Upcoming Courses
*Continuous Learning (CL) courses are not shownIntroduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
Introduction to Special Operations Acquisition Course
SOF Sensitive Activities Foundations
Recent Publications
There is an Identity Crisis in Special Forces: Who are the Green Berets Supposed to Be?
Gender, Law, and Security: The Unseen Foundation of Global Stability
Russia's Syria Policy: From the Soviet Union to the Russian Federation
JSOU Faculty and Staff Orientation Workshop
The course prepares Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) faculty and staff members with a basic understanding of the history of JSOU, its organizational structure, policies, accreditation, and security and technology procedures. Also, the key players across the institution will introduce themselves and illustrate where they and their offices fit in JSOU’s mission as well as where they are actively engaged in the common flow of a JSOU educational event from the earliest planning stages, through preparation/execution, to the end of post-execution actions.
All newly assigned/hired JSOU faculty and staff members are required to attend.