JSOU Teaching Fundamentals Workshop

JSOU Staff and Faculty Development Program (JSOU Staff and Faculty Only) FDP2 FDP 002 Open Nomination Only Unclassified


The workshop prepares Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) faculty members and other selected SOF instructors to develop and teach curricula while creating an active learning environment focusing on outcome-based learning through the use of various teaching methodologies. Students will participate in lessons on learning theory, instructional systems design, the ADDIE model, active learning, and student assessment and evaluation. This instruction includes planning, tools, and techniques that are essential to provide an engaging learning experience for students. Students will make educational presentations as experiential learning and for assessment purposes.


Newly assigned/hired JSOU faculty members are top priority. SOF personnel teaching in any service or environment are a secondary priority. This is a joint SOF academic instructor course.







25A (25-Feb-2025 to 28-Feb-2025)
Location: JSOU Bldg
Comments: Enrollment open Resident course 25-28 February 2025
Enrollment Closed