JSOU Educational Technology Workshop

JSOU Staff and Faculty Development Program (JSOU Staff and Faculty Only) FDP 3 FDP 003 Open Nomination Only Unclassified


This workshop offers an overview of Blackboard Ultra LMS and other learning technologies faculty members will use to build and manage JSOU courses. Students will participate in an immersive learning experience in which they will create a simple course by building content modules, assignments, discussions, journals, rubrics, and assessment and select options for managing those items and monitoring and recording student progress. Students will also learn about J-Hub, J-Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ancillary applications used in JSOU courses.


All assigned/hired JSOU faculty members are top priority. SOF personnel teaching in any service or environment are a secondary priority. This is a joint SOF academic instructor course.




All required texts and materials will be available to the student on either the course e-Campus site or issued upon arrival in the classroom. Each student MUST have after hours – NOT in the classroom – access to commercial internet and the course e-Campus site throughout the course.


This course is not accredited.

25B (12-May-2025 to 16-May-2025)
Location: JSOU Bldg
Comments: Open Enrollment: 11 April 2025 Blackboard access: 09 May 2025 Residence Course: 12 March-16 May 2025
Enrollment Closed