Publications with Type

Edited Volumes

Big Data for Generals... and Everyone Else over 40
Authored by:
David Ellis, Mark Grzegorzewski, Karl Aspelund, Justin Brunelle, Dave Bryson, Andrew Geyer, Bohyun Kim, Paul Lieber, Pedro Cesar Lopes Gerum, Joan Peckham, D.J. Shyy, Guarav Tanwar, Nishka Uberoi, Yaakov S. Weinstein, Mark Zais
On Competition: Adapting to the Contemporary Strategic Environment
Authored by:
Richard Clarke, Nathan Barrick, Aaron Bazin, Theresa Cross, Montgomery Erfourth, Shannon Finn, Scott Hopkins, Bob Jones, Jeremy Kotkin, Daniel Manning, Jeffrey Meiser, William Miller, Jeremiah Monk, Ryan Oliver, Ira Schurig, Mark Whisper
Special Operations Theory
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, Colin Gray, Paul Lieber, Bernd Horn, Harry Karger, Tom Searle, Emily Spencer, James Kiras, Francisco Wong-Diaz, Travis Homiak, Kurt Müller, Charles Cleveland, David Barrato, Robert Spulak Jr.
SOF Role in Combating Transnational Organized Crime
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, William Mendel, Bill Mandrick, Randy Paul Pearson, Michael Miklaucic, Emily Spencer, Mark Hanna, Mike Rouleau, Earl Vandahl, Celina Realuyo, Bernd Horn, Christian Leuprecht
SOF Role in Combating Transnational Organized Crime (en Espanol)
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, William Mendel, Bill Mandrick, Randy Paul Pearson, Michael Miklaucic, Emily Spencer, Mark Hanna, Mike Rouleau, Earl Vandahl, Celina Realuyo, Bernd Horn, Christian Leuprecht
The Role of the Global SOF Network in a Resources Constrained Environment
Authored by:
William Knarr, Chuck Ricks, Richard Rubright, Kevin Morton, Bernd Horn, Emily Spencer, Alan Bell
Special Operations Forces Transformation in the Future Operating Environment
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, Charles Barham, Andrew Brown, Bernd Horn, Jay Lachine, Simone Ledeen, Michael Manning, Ruari Nicholson, Jason Yeremiy, Charlie Black
A Perilous Future: High-Intensity Conflict and the Implications for SOF
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, Andrew Brown, James Kiras, Nicolas Provencher, Andrew Brown, Nicholas Kramer, Tony Balasevicius, C.G. Landry, Bernd Horn, Keith Carter
Operating on the Margins: SOF in the Gray Zone
Edited by:
Dr. Howard G. Coombs , Dr. Christopher Marsh
The Fourth Age: The Future of Special Operations
Edited by:
August Cole, PW Singer
Competing for Advantage: The Chinese Communist Party, Statecraft, and Special Operations
Authored by:
Barkin, Samuel; Conrad, Justin; Horowitz, Shale; Ye, Min; Reardon, Lawrence; Irwin, Will; Craft, Stephen; Black, Charles; Ellis, David
Edited by:
Ellis, David