Publications with Topic


Special Operations Forces Transformation in the Future Operating Environment
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, Charles Barham, Andrew Brown, Bernd Horn, Jay Lachine, Simone Ledeen, Michael Manning, Ruari Nicholson, Jason Yeremiy, Charlie Black
On Competition: Adapting to the Contemporary Strategic Environment
Authored by:
Richard Clarke, Nathan Barrick, Aaron Bazin, Theresa Cross, Montgomery Erfourth, Shannon Finn, Scott Hopkins, Bob Jones, Jeremy Kotkin, Daniel Manning, Jeffrey Meiser, William Miller, Jeremiah Monk, Ryan Oliver, Ira Schurig, Mark Whisper
Hybrid Warfare
Authored by:
Timothy McCulloh, Richard Johnson
Smart Power and U.S. National Strategy
Authored by:
Francisco Wong-Diaz
Scoring the Long War
Authored by:
Andrew Boyden, Phillip Menard, Robert Ramirez
Is Leaving the Middle East a Viable Option?
Authored by:
Thomas Henriksen
One Valley at a Time
Authored by:
Adrian Bogart, Walter Herd
Blogs and Military Information Strategy
Authored by:
James Kinniburg, Dorothy Denning
Dividing Our Enemies
Authored by:
Thomas Henriksen
A Perilous Future: High-Intensity Conflict and the Implications for SOF
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, Andrew Brown, James Kiras, Nicolas Provencher, Andrew Brown, Nicholas Kramer, Tony Balasevicius, C.G. Landry, Bernd Horn, Keith Carter
The New Way of Limited Warfare: The Value of the Afghan Model of Warfare After the Fight Against ISIS
Authored by:
Captain Tijs Althuizen, MA, and Professor Martijn Kitzen, PhD