Publications from All Years
The New Way of Limited Warfare: The Value of the Afghan Model of Warfare After the Fight Against ISIS
Authored by:
Captain Tijs Althuizen, MA, and Professor Martijn Kitzen, PhD
Counterintelligence Quick Look
Authored by:
Michael W. Parrott
Improving SOF Ethics Education
Authored by:
Clark, Mike; Labuz, John; Long, Joseph E., Thyne, Kari
Competing for Advantage: The Chinese Communist Party, Statecraft, and Special Operations
Authored by:
Barkin, Samuel; Conrad, Justin; Horowitz, Shale; Ye, Min; Reardon, Lawrence; Irwin, Will; Craft, Stephen; Black, Charles; Ellis, David
Edited by:
Ellis, David
Special Operations Research Topics 2024
Edited by:
Blocksome, Patricia PhD
The Fourth Age: The Future of Special Operations
Edited by:
August Cole, PW Singer
Stress: New Approaches to Managing Stress
Authored by:
Merryman, Ashley
Stress: Understanding Its Mechanisms and Impacts
Authored by:
Merryman, Ashley
Operating on the Margins: SOF in the Gray Zone
Edited by:
Dr. Howard G. Coombs , Dr. Christopher Marsh
Moral Injury: Implications for U.S. SOF and Ethical Resiliency
Authored by:
Dr. John Edgar Caterson, Marc-Charles Ingerson, David Wood, Matthew Kazumi Ikenoyama
SOF Quills for the Porcupine: Applying Lessons from Ukraine to Taiwan
Authored by:
Scott Simeral, Lieutenant Colonel Steven Skipper, Lieutenant Colonel Giovanna Espegio
A Perilous Future: High-Intensity Conflict and the Implications for SOF
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, Andrew Brown, James Kiras, Nicolas Provencher, Andrew Brown, Nicholas Kramer, Tony Balasevicius, C.G. Landry, Bernd Horn, Keith Carter
Special Operations Forces Transformation in the Future Operating Environment
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, Charles Barham, Andrew Brown, Bernd Horn, Jay Lachine, Simone Ledeen, Michael Manning, Ruari Nicholson, Jason Yeremiy, Charlie Black
Big Data for Generals... and Everyone Else over 40
Authored by:
David Ellis, Mark Grzegorzewski, Karl Aspelund, Justin Brunelle, Dave Bryson, Andrew Geyer, Bohyun Kim, Paul Lieber, Pedro Cesar Lopes Gerum, Joan Peckham, D.J. Shyy, Guarav Tanwar, Nishka Uberoi, Yaakov S. Weinstein, Mark Zais
On Competition: Adapting to the Contemporary Strategic Environment
Authored by:
Richard Clarke, Nathan Barrick, Aaron Bazin, Theresa Cross, Montgomery Erfourth, Shannon Finn, Scott Hopkins, Bob Jones, Jeremy Kotkin, Daniel Manning, Jeffrey Meiser, William Miller, Jeremiah Monk, Ryan Oliver, Ira Schurig, Mark Whisper
Resistance Operating Concept (ROC)
Authored by:
Otto Fiala, Kirk Smith, Anders Löfberg
Strategic Communication
Authored by:
Paul Lieber
ISIS 2.0: South and Southeast Asia Opportunities and Vulnerabilities
Authored by:
Namrata Goswami, Robert Norton, Greg Weaver
Resistance Views: Essays on Unconventional Warfare and Small State Resistance, Tartu Resistance Seminar
Authored by:
Glennis Napier, Mark Schwartz, Gregory Lengyel, Tomas Jermalavičius, Merle Pārmak, Karl Salim, Heather Modon, Linda Robinson, Michael Ryan, Kevin Stringer, Janis Berzins, Richard Shultz
Reconceptualizing Radicalized Groups and Their Messages
Authored by:
Paul Lieber, Yael Lieber
Special Operations Theory
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, Colin Gray, Paul Lieber, Bernd Horn, Harry Karger, Tom Searle, Emily Spencer, James Kiras, Francisco Wong-Diaz, Travis Homiak, Kurt Müller, Charles Cleveland, David Barrato, Robert Spulak Jr.
A Unified Theory for Special Operations
Authored by:
Richard Rubright
Special Operations Forces as Change Agents
Authored by:
Jessica Turnley
SOF and a Theory of Modern Terrorism
Authored by:
Harry Rich Yarger
2016 Special Operations Essays
Authored by:
Kenneth Poole, Jared Harris, Tim Ball, James Allbright, Ricardo Benavides, Orlando Craig, Stephen Dayspring
SOF Role in Combating Transnational Organized Crime
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, William Mendel, Bill Mandrick, Randy Paul Pearson, Michael Miklaucic, Emily Spencer, Mark Hanna, Mike Rouleau, Earl Vandahl, Celina Realuyo, Bernd Horn, Christian Leuprecht
SOF Role in Combating Transnational Organized Crime (en Espanol)
Authored by:
Peter Mccabe, William Mendel, Bill Mandrick, Randy Paul Pearson, Michael Miklaucic, Emily Spencer, Mark Hanna, Mike Rouleau, Earl Vandahl, Celina Realuyo, Bernd Horn, Christian Leuprecht
Countering Violent Extremism in Mali
Authored by:
Mark Moyar
2015 Special Operations Essays
Authored by:
Kenneth Poole, Andrew Ruszkiewicz, James Razuri, Andrea Goldstein, Scott Akerley, Anthony Cruz, Matthew Miller
Building Partner Capacity
Authored by:
Harry Rich Yarger
Islam: Ideology and Conflict
Authored by:
Roby Barrett
Persistent Engagement in Colombia
Authored by:
Mark Moyar, Hector Pagan, and Wil Griego
Special Operations Forces Mixed-Gender Elite Teams
Authored by:
William Knarr, Jessica Glicken Turnley, Donna Stewart, Rich Rubright, Jason Quirin
Countering the al-Shabaab Insurgency in Somalia: Lessons for U.S. Special Operations Forces
Authored by:
Graham Turbiville, Josh Meservey, James Forest
Piracy: The Best Business Model Available
Authored by:
John Alexander
The Role of the Global SOF Network in a Resources Constrained Environment
Authored by:
William Knarr, Chuck Ricks, Richard Rubright, Kevin Morton, Bernd Horn, Emily Spencer, Alan Bell
Hybrid Warfare
Authored by:
Timothy McCulloh, Richard Johnson
Smart Power and U.S. National Strategy
Authored by:
Francisco Wong-Diaz
Retooling for the Future
Authored by:
Francisco Wong-Diaz
Iran: Illusion, Reality, and Interests
Authored by:
Roby Barrett
2012 JSOU and NDIA SO/LIC Division Essays
Authored by:
Kenneth Poole, Eva Shinagel, Dave Kenney, Chuck Ergenbright, Curtis Snider, Thomas Sarrouf
2011 JSOU and NDIA SO/LIC Division Essays
Authored by:
Kenneth Poole, Carrick Longley, Ben Taylor, Dave Jesurun, Grant Sharpe, Philip Townsend, Ken Watson
2010 JSOU and NDIA SO/LIC Division Essays
Authored by:
Dr. Joseph Long, Kenneth Poole, Dean Chase, Mark Schafer, Chris Fussell, John Griffin, Robert Pawlak, Ian Langford, Stephanie Wolfgeher, Bryan Johnson, Lino Miani, Chad Machiela
Contemporary Security Challenges: Irregular Warfare and Indirect Approaches
Authored by:
Richard Newton, Travis Homiak, Kelly Smith, Isaac Peltier, Jonathan White
Scoring the Long War
Authored by:
Andrew Boyden, Phillip Menard, Robert Ramirez
Keeping COIN Simple
Authored by:
Herb Daniels
India's Northeast: The Frontier in Ferment
Authored by:
Prakash Singh
Is Leaving the Middle East a Viable Option?
Authored by:
Thomas Henriksen
2007 JSOU and NDIA SO/LIC Division Essays
Authored by:
Michael McMahon, Michael Zinno, Leonard DeFrancisci, Duane Gordin, Brian Horine, Basil Cantanzaro, Guillaume Beaurperes, Ronald Beadenkopf, Matthew Coburn, Michael Sullivan, David Moon, Joe McGraw
2006 JSOU/NDIA SO/LIC Chapter Essays
Authored by:
Michael McMahon, Jose Madera, Charles O'Quinn, Edward Mason, Wayne Keysor, John Schaefer, Jan Swillens, D. Jones, James Oldenburg, James Spies
One Valley at a Time
Authored by:
Adrian Bogart, Walter Herd
Blogs and Military Information Strategy
Authored by:
James Kinniburg, Dorothy Denning
Implications for Network-Centric Warfare
Authored by:
Jessica Turnley
Coast Guard SOF
Authored by:
Gary Bowen
Dividing Our Enemies
Authored by:
Thomas Henriksen
Theoretical Perspectives of Terrorist Enemies as Networks
Authored by:
Robert Spulak, Jessica Turnley
Operationalizing COIN
Authored by:
Joseph Celeski
2004-2005 JSOU/NDIA Essays
Authored by:
Arnold Abraham, David Becker, William Carty, Matthew Nilson, Todd Seniff, Randall Stagner
JSOU Press Peer Review Process
Authored by:
Press Editor
Force Multiplier: Utilization of SOF from a Small State Perspective
Edited by:
Horn, Bernd PhD, Ilis-Alm, Hans